Summer is officially gone, Fall will be over soon and Winter will be upon us in no time. Before the cold hits us, I wanted to give you some tips on how to prepare your hair for not only the dry cold of Winter, but the dry heat of the heater you’re probably going to use to keep yourself warm.

1. Prepare Your Hair With Hot Oil Treatments
1. Prepare Your Hair With Hot Oil Treatments
Something most folks don't consider when getting ready for winter is the impact heat has on our hair. The moment it starts to get cold, we flip on our heaters, and this can end up being more damaging to our hair than summer heat. Before you do anything else, do a hot oil treatment. Use natural oils like avocado oil, coconut oil, sweet almond oil or castor oil (I like to combine a bit of all of them), put them in an applicator bottle, place it in some just-boiled water and apply it throughout your hair from scalp to ends. Make sure to get your ends! Then, put a shower cap on and a microwave-warmed towel on top of that and keep it on for at least half an hour. This helps to seal in moisture and keeps your hair from getting dry and brittle.
2. Embrace Winter Hair Styles
2. Embrace Winter Hair Styles
Wearing your hair straight is popular in winter, because you don't have to worry about sweating it out. Blowouts look great with winter fashion, but that's even more heat you're using on your hair. Don't let that stop you from rocking these styles, just be aware that you'll have to take more care to lock in your hair's moisture.
3. Use Heat Protective Products
3. Use Heat Protective Products
So how do you protect your hair from the heat of blow dryers and flat irons? Use a heat protective product. Pantene makes a great leave-in product specifically for protecting your hair from the heat of styling tools, and I like to use my K2 leave-in conditioner styling serum too, even though it's not labeled as a heat protective product.
4. Use Moisturizing Conditioners And Conditioning Masques
4. Use Moisturizing Conditioners And Conditioning Masques
After you've done your initial hot oil treatment, keep that moisture locked in your hair with a good conditioner. The beauty of conditioning masques is they can be used on wet or dry hair, as conditioner or as a styling product for those with dry hair and scalps. We all know how dry our skin can get in the cold, so keep the skin of your scalp healthy with a good conditioner.
5. What You Put In Your Body Is As Important As What You Put In Your Hair
5. What You Put In Your Body Is As Important As What You Put In Your Hair
Of course, even if you follow all these steps, they can't help you if you're not keeping your body hydrated too. Make sure to drink lots of water and take hair vitamins with fish oil. With all these methods combined, your hair will be absolutely fierce, no matter the weather!