Brenna Smith
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Brenna Smith Staff Writer
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Brenna is an odd amalgam of many fields. She graduated from California State University-Dominguez Hills Cum Laude with a degree in Anthropology, and has worked as an archaeologist, actress, model, writer, film critic, theatre critic, red carpet correspondent and other odd jobs under the “production” umbrella of filmmaking. Her obsession with comic books, video games, fantasy novels and film troubles her mother, but after years of talking about them for free on the Internet and the nationally syndicated PBS television show ‘Just Seen It,’ she now gets paid to write about them as a Staff Writer for Rant, Inc., with a focus on RantHollywood. So who’s laughing now, Ma?


Turned 21 on the set of '21 and Over.' Helped find a mass medieval plague pit in the middle of England. Scuba dived to find and map ancient Roman shipwrecks in the Mediterranean. Wrote and self-published a children's book. Has met every member of The Avengers (and Loki). Gets more upset about what happens to fictional characters than real people.


Music, movies, video games, comic books and book books.

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